Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Is Parenting a Toddler Like Riding a Bike?

Just curious...is parenting a toddler like riding a bike?  You know, once you learn to ride a bike people say you could not ride one for years and still be able to pick one up and take off if you chose to.  Is it the same with parenting small children?

My boys are 15 and 12, so it's been a few years since I've parented a toddler.  So this leads me to wonder, when we bring a child, or children, into our home again will I remember how to address issues toddlers have?  How do you stop the whining?  How do you stop the hitting, kicking and unwillingness to share?  How do you teach them to be truthful and to respect others?

At our church this past Sunday, we heard a sermon delivered by Dr. Nealon Brown from Focus on the Family.  (He was awesome!)  He made the statement that if God calls you, you have to trust that if you give your little bit that God will provide the rest of what you need.  It hit me square between the eyes, and right in my heart.  I have been so fearful that I won't have enough to give to the child or children God sends us.  How foolish of me!!  God has called me to adopt children and to be their Mom.  The Bible provides SO many examples of people who felt ill equipped for their calling, tried to get out of their call, and in every one of those examples God provided them with just the right amount of whatever they needed!  Why would He not do the same for me?

The answer is simple...if I put my trust in Him, He will provide what I need.  Patience on the hard days.  Rest when I'm tired.  Friends to help when I need them.  Understanding for my children and their hurts.  Healing for my children.  A cup that overflows :)

Will it always be easy?  No.  Will it always be difficult?  No.  Will God be right there in the midst of it all?  Absolutely!

Thanks for walking with us on this journey friends...it means so much to us!


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